Saturday, July 7, 2012

Cub World, Scouters' Mountain, Happy Valley, Oregon

I just got back from three days at Cub World at Scouters' Mountain in Happy Valley, Oregon. I understand that other councils also offer camps called Cub World, and they even feature sleeping quarters shaped like forts, tee-pees, and box cars; so maybe my comments here will be of use to others.

I'm going to start with the list of suggested personal gear, and add comments where I wished I had known a little more, and I hope I remember better for next year.

"What to Bring - Suggested Personal Gear"

"Clearly mark all items with your name." This was totally very important for me and my son. My son is seven-years-old and very irresponsible with his things. I found a great product called Kid Labels that helped me label all of his stuff. I should have ordered labels for myself as well and brought them along to label the stuff he bought and made at camp.

"Note: this equipment list is meant to serve as a guide. Use your discretion in choosing what to bring and what to leave. Things do get broken or lost. Please plan accordingly and leave valuable items at home."

"Dress Code for adults. No short shorts or inappropriate, revealing attire. Swimsuits should be restricted to the shirt and shorts look This goes for women, too. I took my swimsuit, but all the other women went down the slide in shorts and t shirts, and I did the same even though I didn't have extra shorts. Please, no two-piece or Speedo bathing suits, tube tops, or other revealing attire."


  • "Sleeping bag"
  • "Pad (sleeping pads not provided)"
  • "Pillow"
  • "Folding cot (not provided)" I guessed that I needed to bring a pad OR a cot and not both, and I was correct. There were bunks without pads, and there was plenty of floor space for cots, in the fort, at least.
  • "Tents for adults (Cub World only)" I brought an 8-man tent and shared it with another mom. My son slept in there with me the second night, too. IT was VERY comfortable. I saw a lot of people in very small tents. I fully recommend buying the biggest tent you can afford. If it says it sleeps 8, it probably only really sleeps 4 comfortably (and 2 luxuriously).


  • "Pajamas"
  • "Uniform and camp T-shirt" At the leaders meeting they told us to leave our neckerchiefs and slides at home since they get lost so easily. Technically, the camp t shirt is the uniform. It is the activity uniform, but they wanted the boys in their official uniforms for the closing flag ceremony. At least I think they did. They only mentioned it once.
  • "Poncho or rain gear"
  • "Hat or visor" My son doesn't like wearing his hat, it blocks his vision, so we left it in the car. I noticed lots of other boys without their caps, too, but its too bad. You can't really tell the wolves from the Webelos without neckerchiefs or caps.
  • "Jeans or shorts (jeans are required for C.O.P.E., rock climbing, and horseback ridding)"
  • "T-shirts"
  • "Extra shoes" This turned out to be especially important in the morning. We did so much walking through a grassy field full of morning dew that my socks were soaked by lunch, so I wore my boots in the morning and my tennis shoes in the afternoon and evening.
  • "Tennis shoes"
  • "Lots of extra socks and underwear"
  • "Sandals or flip flops (to be worn only in shower)" The shower is only available to campers between 7am & 9pm.


  • "Toothbrush and toothpaste" I actually did send my son to brush his teeth every night and every morning, but he couldn't find his toothbrush.
  • "Towel and washcloth"
  • "Comb"
  • "Soap for body" The staff had exclusive access to the showers between 9pm and 7am. I found that schedule impossible, so I did not shower for three days. I suspected this might happen and I packed some ready wipes which worked very well for freshening up each morning.
  • "Deodorant"
  • "Sunscreen"
  • "Large towel"
  • "Bug repellent"

"Camp Necessities"

  • "Flashlight and batteries"
  • "Personal first aid kit"
  • "Canteen or water bottle"
  • "Swimsuit (not cut offs) for Cub World slip and slide" I brought a swim suit, but realized that women should really wear shorts and t-shirts when sliding down the dragon's tongue.
  • "Pack or duffel bag" I used a stuff sack, but I think a duffel would have been better.
  • "Pencils and note pad"
  • "Pre-addressed envelopes and stamps" My son didn't actually use these, but I did. Leaders earned points for writing letters home.
  • "Close-toed shoes if horseback riding"

"Very Important"

  • "Signed medical form" Check in went VERY smoothly because we had all our forms. We were supposed to have sent them in weeks ago, but no one complained about that.
  • "Spending money (about $40)" My son spend about $5.00. He bought candy. Other boys who earned their whittling chip cards bought knives. They sold for $15.


  • "Sunglasses" I found these very useful myself. I bought them at the trading post for $3. My son is not responsible enough to keep track of sunglasses for more than a few hours.
  • "Camera and film" The kids LOVED taking pictures with disposable cameras that they bought in the trading post. I used my digital camera.
  • Glow sticks - Several other boys had these, our boys really wished they had them.
  • Stuff for s'mores - one of our moms brought firewood, marshmallows, sticks, graham crackers and chocolate for all the boys in our pack. The boys in other packs felt a little left out, but we were able to share with a couple of the most patient fellows.
  • Pack flag - our fort had a flag pole, but no one brought a flag to fly on it. It would have been fun to run up a pack flag.
  • Small back pack to carry around all the time. My son and I both brought one of these, but I'm the only one who actually carried mine. It was very small, perfect for my water bottle and all the things that were overflowing my pockets, and I found it at Good Will, best find all year.
  • Eight outdoor essentials - summer camp is the perfect time to help scouts learn about the eight essentials, encourage them to assemble them and request that they carry them around outdoors. This is the second requirement for earning the outdoor activity award.
  • Folding chairs - other adults thought to bring these, but I didn't think of it.they would have come in handy.

"Items to leave at home"

  • "Pets"
  • "Radios"
  • "Tape decks"
  • "Portable steros"
  • "Walkman or iPods"
  • "Electronic games"
  • "Sheath knives" I actually had to confiscate a sheath knife from a little Cub Scout. It was a very small sheath knife. It was cool souvenir that his dad brought him from the Caribbean. I felt bad taking it from him, but he was a good sport about it. He went to the Whittling Chip station later and earned his card and bout a pocket knife.
  • "Fireworks"
  • "Firearms"
  • "Ammunition"
  • "Slingshots"
  • "Bow and arrows"
  • "Hatchets"
  • "Tobacco"
  • "Alcohol"
  • "Illegal drugs"

Cub World Schedule

Next I'm going to copy out the schedule we followed while we were there, and add my comments as I go along in the hopes you find something helpful.

"Day One" Thursday, July 5, 2012

  • "12:45 Arrival" We met at 10:00 am, drove 35 miles (50 minutes) and ate lunch at McDonalds before arriving at Cub World right about 12:45. I'm very glad that we arrived so early. There were plenty of staffers ready and willing to help us pack our stuff across camp. We had plenty of time to pick out the best spots for our tents. The boys had plenty of time to choose their bunk and hang their mind three times and then chase each other around the fort before the opening ceremony.
  • "1:30 Opening" The opening ceremony was so much fun! The staff sang songs and told jokes and performed skits. They were really awesome!
  • "2:00 Name tags" The adults were supposed to have a meeting while the kids made their name tags, but the director forgot. There were all sorts of snafus like this that they wrote off as start up jitters. This was the first week of camp for this staff, and this was the director's first camp in Oregon.
  • 02:45 Camp Tour - Medic Check The adults in our group missed the medic check. We went to the office to check in our campers, pick up our t shirts and pay our adult fees. We had all our medicals, so it was a simple process. They didn't have our shirts for us, but they did have some blue sheets with schedules and a cool leader award worksheet. When we caught up with our group they were playing duck-duck-goose waiting to go to the next thing, and I jumped right in there to earn my first points toward my award.
  • "3:20 Camp Tour - Den yell and skit" We sort of messed this up. We made up separate yells for the packs in our camp den when we were supposed to have made up a yell for our new den that we were going to be hanging out with at camp, but we fixed it before flag. Our camp den was the Olympians. Other camp dens were the Corp of Discovery, Gladiators, Knights of the Round Table, Merry Men, Mountain Men, Pan's Lost Boys and the Red Tails (Tuskegee Airmen). Our skit was cute. I call it Throwing Pebbles in the Lake.
  • "3:55 Camp Tour - Dining Hall" Here we learned where we would sit at meal time and about the need to send two waiters per table (four from our pack) to the dining hall early each meal, and they would help set the table and bring the food.
  • "4:30 Camp Tour - Range Safety" Here we learned the phrase: Range Master, may I please enter the range?
  • "5:00 Fire Drill" This is when the program director first mentioned that we should put on our official uniforms for flag ceremony.
  • "5:45 Flag and Scrubby" The flag ceremonies were extremely simple. Scrubby turned out to be the hand washing procedure conducted before each meal.
  • "6:00 Dinner" They served ham and potatoes au gratin with green beans and cake. My son was upset that he didn't like what they were serving. He tried to eat some things from the cereal bar and the salad bar, but mostly he left disappointed. I grabbed some extra pieces of cake to give him later, but his buddy had a pack full of candy, so they ate that in their bunks. At the leaders meeting I would have learned about peanut and butter sandwiches available at every meal.
  • "7:00 Evening Program" This evenings program was a game of capture the flag and sharks and minnows. I was disappointed that the capture the flag course couldn't be marked out better. We used ropes at my summer camp when I was a kid, but the fields at this camp were so huge, they could have used paint.
  • "8:15 Campfire" The campfire featured songs, skits and jokes by the staff. They were completely excellent.
  • "9:00 Sleeping Quarters" I encouraged all of our boys to brush their teeth. This would have been the best time to make ice cream or s'mores.
  • "10:00 Taps" I didn't actually hear taps, but I did walk around trying to get all the boys to turn out their flashlights, but not every pack leader did. I was pretty disappointed. Lots of boys were running around and chasing each other. Enforcing lights out should have been an item on our award list. After about an hour, I gave up and went to bed. Some boys were still talking. I think some of them were too scared to go to sleep, so they wanted their buddies to stay a wake with them, and I think some boys just didn't want the fun to end. I should have read them a story or played Native American music. That would have been cool.

"Day Two" Friday, July 6, 2012

  • "7:20 Rise & Shine" I did not sleep well. I got up at 6:00 when I heard voices that I recognized. I couldn't believe that the boys were awake so early, and itching to get started. I made one boy wait until 7:00 before I let him start waking the camp. I didn't read this schedule carefully.
  • "7:30 Waiters Report" We had no trouble getting waiters to volunteer this first day.
  • "7:45 Flag and Scrubby" I missed flag since I was with the waiters.
  • "8:00 Breakfast" They served eggs, sausage and hash browns. My favorite breakfast. My son didn't like any of it. He tried to go to the cereal bar, but there was Raisin Bran under the Fruit Loops in dispenser. There was a long line at the cereal bar. He did get one bowl of Fruit Loops but when he went up for seconds they were all gone. Poor guy. He asked me to take him to the salad bar, but it wasn't set up for breakfast. I still hadn't learned about the peanut butter and jelly bar, so I took him back to my tent where I had stashed extra pieces of cake from last night's dinner. I was a hero for a minute and a half.
  • "8:45 Chores" I don't know what our boys did for chores. They finally held our leaders meeting at this point, and I learned about the peanut butter and jelly bar. It's usually set up near the coffee as a self serve, but because we have peanut allergies in the camp this week, it was set up in the kitchen as a single serve.
  • "9:00 Session 1 - Navigation" We were a little late because the staff meeting went a little long, but this was a really good session. The staff tried to teach the boys a little orienteering. This is a difficult subject, made more difficult by the young age of the students and nearly impossible by the faulty compasses, but this is a very important Scouting skill, in my opinion, and I wish they had included the cost of a new compass in the fee for camp, so everyone could take home a new compass rather than not teach this station effectively. They cost about $20.
  • "9:45 Session 2 - Archery" Super fun. One of our boys shot a bull's eye and received a special star-shaped bead.
  • "10:30 Session 3 - BB Guns" Again, campers who scored bull's eyes received special star-shaped beads. My little guy didn't do very well, but he was having a lot of fun before he saw his target didn't have any holes in it.
  • "11:30 Waiters Report" I was having trouble rounding up volunteers for this duty. After breakfast the staff had been doing a lot of yelling at the boys, giving them instructions. It was no fun. I didn't want to ask the boys to do that again, so I let Linda worry about this. Her solution was quite elegant. She only sent one boy for each table, and served as the second waiter herself.
  • "11:45 Scrubby"
  • "12:00 Lunch" They served hot dogs and joe joes for lunch. My son was thrilled to have food that he liked to eat.
  • "1:00 BOB time" Bodies on Bunks
  • "1:35 Session 4 - Olympic Games" The boys played tug of war, threw a medicine ball (shot put) and ran a silly relay.
  • "2:20 Session 5 - Cooking" The boys hollowed out an orange and filled it with cake batter.
  • "3:05 Session 6 - Wood Craft" The boys glued together a wooden model of an airplane
  • "3:45 Open Program - archery, BB guns, branding, slingshots, slip and slide, trading post, whittling chip and wood working" The boys could not wait to try the slip and slide. I tried to get in at archery, but the range master was only taking one adult for every 7 scouts, so I went to BB gun instead. I got my bulls eye for my award. I also tried the sling shots. I think my son did slip and slide the whole time. I thought about it, but I just couldn't bring myself to put on my swim suit.
  • "5:30 Waiters Report" My son finally agreed to serve as a waiter tonight as long as I served with him.
  • "5:45 Flag and Scrubby"
  • "6:00 Dinner" We had spaghetti for dinner, another meal my son liked.
  • "7:00 Evening Program" Tonight's evening program consisted of a presentation from a mad science professional. I think it was the astronomy presentation that we heard at Intel a few months ago, but I left. I was trying to bus my table when the presentation started. The program director asked me not to finish while the presentation continued. I told myself that I didn't want to sit in front of my dirty dishes, but I think I was just too tired to sit for anything, and my hay fever was trying to kill me, so I went back to my tent. I learned later that my son fell asleep under the table. The other half of the evening program consisted of a human foosball match between adults and staff.
  • "8:15 Campfire" I finally left my tent for campfire. All the dens performed their den yells and their skits. Our skit was a hit. Our boys did great.
  • "9:00 Sleeping Quarters" We planned to cook our s'more and make our ice cream tonight. In retrospect, we should have done it the first night. Everyone was too tired. They might have actually gone to bed on time tonight. The s'mores were good, but the ice cream was a lot of work for very little. I don't recommend bothering with campfire ice-cream.
  • "10:00 Taps" We were up way past ten tonight. My son decided to sleep in my tent with me. I don't think he was scared so much as tired, but maybe both. A friend gave me some Benadryl for my hay fever, and I slept much better tonight. In fact, I overslept. I didn't wake until 7:30.

"Day Three" Saturday, July 7, 2012

  • "7:20 Rise and Shine"
  • "7:30 Waiters Report"
  • "7:45 Flag and Scrubby"
  • "8:00 Breakfast" Today they served pancakes and bacon. My son was thrilled that it was all food that he liked.
  • "9:00 Session 7 - NOVA" This was a science station. The boys learned about refracted light and reflected lasers. The staff actually ran out of things to talk about before we ran out of time which was too bad. When the boys were interested in what he was doing, they were VERY interested, but when he kept talking about the same thing, they got bored and drifted away.
  • "9:45 Session 8 - BMX Course" My son was very nervous about this since he has not yet learned to ride a two-wheeler, but he wasn't the only one, and I was able to run along side and help him.
  • "10:30 Session 9 - Nature" On the way to this station, my son was teasing another boy in an attempt to get him chase him. It worked. My son ran down the trail and tripped on a root and scraped up his face. It was a long time before I had him calmed down enough to rejoin the group. This was a nature hike in which the boys learned a little about plant identification. This was important material and the staff member was very patient, but it was a lot of talking and listing and the boys didn't do very well. Their exhaustion level was really starting to show.
  • "11:30 Waiters Report"
  • "11:45 Scrubby"
  • "12:00 Lunch" Today they served hamburgers for lunch with potato chips. My son was able to eat everything again.
  • "1:00 BOB Time" Today I used BOB time to pack up some of my things. I finally convinced my son to pick up some trash which was our service project for earning the chaplain's aide award.
  • "1:35 Chapel" The boys kept asking, "What's chapel?" I answered, "It's just like church only way more fun because it's outdoors." It was a very nice presentation.
  • "2:15 Open Program" My son promised to do archery with me and I promised to go down the slip and slide with him, but our plans fell apart when his buddy asked him to go to the BB gun range. I helped out at the archery range until the range master let me shoot. I didn't do very well at all. It was depressing. I was good at archery in college, but the adult bow that they had didn't have a good shelf for nocking the arrow and no finger grips. It would have taken dozens of arrows for me to learn how to use that bow properly. I went down the slip and slide and got all wet and fell and hit my head, but my son complained that I was the only Mom who hadn't done it, so I did it for him. I was able to find the last few signatures that I needed for my leader award, so I turned that in and collected my patch.
  • "4:45 Flag and Scrubby." There were a lot more family members visiting camp now. They had arrived for open program and were staying for dinner. It was a long line after scrubby. The staff sang themselves horse entertaining us while we waited in line for our dinner.
  • "5:00 Dinner" They served barbecue chicken with corn on the cob, potato salad and watermelon. My son didn't complain, so I assume he liked something there. I finished early and went back to the fort to take down my tent. I should have changed back into my short pants, but they were still wet from the slip and slide.
  • "6:00 Closing" The closing ceremony was much simpler than I expected, but two of our boys had their names called out for scoring bulls eyes on the archery range. We collected our patches and we took a group photo.

We were one of the first scouts to arrive, and we were the very last scouts to leave. We got home at about 8:30pm.

Please leave your comments below. Was anything here helpful or interesting? What advice do you have for scouters heading to a cub scout resident camp?

1 comment:

  1. This post is fantastic! Thank you! My son is a Bear and is heading to this camp with my husband on Sunday. Your tips and suggestions have been really helpful. I appreciate you taking the time to post. For the adults, was there anywhere to charge cell phones?
